/* iprange * Copyright (C) 2003 Gabriel L. Somlo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * To compile: * on Linux: * gcc -o iprange iprange.c -O2 -Wall * on Solaris 8, Studio 8 CC: * cc -xO5 -xarch=v8plusa -xdepend iprange.c -o iprange -lnsl -lresolv * * CHANGELOG: * 2004-10-16 Paul Townsend (alpha alpha beta at purdue dot edu) * - more general input/output formatting * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int Jflg = 0; /* = 1 if "-J" specified */ static char *PROG; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* network address type: one field for the net address, one for prefix */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct network_addr { in_addr_t addr; int pfx; } network_addr_t; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set a bit to a given value (0 or 1); MSB is bit 1, LSB is bit 32 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ in_addr_t set_bit( in_addr_t addr, int bitno, int val ) { if ( val ) return( addr | (1 << (32 - bitno)) ); else return( addr & ~(1 << (32 - bitno)) ); } /* set_bit() */ /*--------------------------------------*/ /* Compute netmask address given prefix */ /*--------------------------------------*/ in_addr_t netmask( int prefix ) { if ( prefix == 0 ) return( ~((in_addr_t) -1) ); else return( ~((1 << (32 - prefix)) - 1) ); } /* netmask() */ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /* Compute broadcast address given address and prefix */ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ in_addr_t broadcast( in_addr_t addr, int prefix ) { return( addr | ~netmask(prefix) ); } /* broadcast() */ /*--------------------------------------------------*/ /* Compute network address given address and prefix */ /*--------------------------------------------------*/ in_addr_t network( in_addr_t addr, int prefix ) { return( addr & netmask(prefix) ); } /* network() */ /*------------------------------------------------*/ /* Print out a 32-bit address in A.B.C.D/M format */ /*------------------------------------------------*/ void print_addr( in_addr_t addr, int prefix ) { struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = htonl( addr ); if ( prefix < 32 ) printf( "%s/%d\n", inet_ntoa(in), prefix ); else printf( "%s\n", inet_ntoa(in)); } /* print_addr() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Recursively compute network addresses to cover range lo-hi */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Note: Worst case scenario is when lo= and hi= * We then have 62 CIDR bloks to cover this interval, and 125 * calls to split_range(); * The maximum possible recursion depth is 32. */ void split_range( in_addr_t addr, int prefix, in_addr_t lo, in_addr_t hi ) { in_addr_t bc, lower_half, upper_half; if ( (prefix < 0) || (prefix > 32) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Invalid mask size %d!\n", PROG, prefix ); exit( 1 ); } bc = broadcast(addr, prefix); if ( (lo < addr) || (hi > bc) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Out of range limits: %x, %x for " "network %x/%d, broadcast: %x!\n", PROG, lo, hi, addr, prefix, bc ); exit( 1 ); } if ( (lo == addr) && (hi == bc) ) { print_addr( addr, prefix ); return; } prefix++; lower_half = addr; upper_half = set_bit( addr, prefix, 1 ); if ( hi < upper_half ) { split_range( lower_half, prefix, lo, hi ); } else if ( lo >= upper_half ) { split_range( upper_half, prefix, lo, hi ); } else { split_range( lower_half, prefix, lo, broadcast(lower_half, prefix) ); split_range( upper_half, prefix, upper_half, hi ); } } /* split_range() */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Convert an A.B.C.D address into a 32-bit host-order value */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ in_addr_t a_to_hl( char *ipstr ) { struct in_addr in; if ( !inet_aton(ipstr, &in) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Invalid address %s!\n", PROG, ipstr ); exit( 1 ); } return( ntohl(in.s_addr) ); } /* a_to_hl() */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* convert a network address char string into a host-order network */ /* address and an integer prefix value */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ network_addr_t str_to_netaddr( char *ipstr ) { long int prefix = 32; char *prefixstr; network_addr_t netaddr; if ( (prefixstr = strchr(ipstr, '/')) ) { *prefixstr = '\0'; prefixstr++; prefix = strtol( prefixstr, (char **) NULL, 10 ); if ( errno || (*prefixstr == '\0') || (prefix < 0) || (prefix > 32) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Invalid prefix /%s...!\n", PROG, prefixstr ); exit( 1 ); } } netaddr.pfx = (int) prefix; netaddr.addr = network( a_to_hl(ipstr), prefix ); return( netaddr ); } /* str_to_netaddr() */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* compare two network_addr_t structures; used with qsort() */ /* sort in increasing order by address, then by prefix. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ int compar_netaddr( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) { network_addr_t *na1 = (network_addr_t *) p1, *na2 = (network_addr_t *) p2; if ( na1->addr < na2->addr ) return( -1 ); if ( na1->addr > na2->addr ) return( 1 ); if ( na1->pfx < na2->pfx ) return( -1 ); if ( na1->pfx > na2->pfx ) return( 1 ); return( 0 ); } /* compar_netaddr() */ /*------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Print out an address range in a.b.c.d-A.B.C.D format */ /*------------------------------------------------------*/ void print_addr_range( in_addr_t lo, in_addr_t hi ) { struct in_addr in; if ( lo != hi ) { in.s_addr = htonl( lo ); printf( "%s-", inet_ntoa(in) ); } in.s_addr = htonl( hi ); printf( "%s\n", inet_ntoa(in) ); } /* print_addr_range() */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Convert a list of A.B.C.D/M network addresses from stdin into a list of */ /* ranges on stdout */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void netaddr_to_range( char *file ) { #define NETADDR_INC 100 network_addr_t *netaddrs = NULL; int nmax = 0; char ipstr[21]; in_addr_t lo, hi; int i, n; FILE *fp = stdin; if ( file && *file ) { if ( !(fp = fopen(file, "r")) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s - %s\n", PROG, file, strerror(errno) ); exit( 1 ); } } for ( n = 0; fscanf(fp, "%20s", ipstr) != EOF; n++ ) { if ( n >= nmax ) { nmax += NETADDR_INC; netaddrs = realloc( netaddrs, nmax * sizeof(network_addr_t) ); } netaddrs[n] = str_to_netaddr( ipstr ); } if ( n == 0 ) return; qsort( (void *) netaddrs, n, sizeof(network_addr_t), compar_netaddr ); /* we're guaranteed to have at least one network address at this point */ lo = netaddrs[0].addr; hi = broadcast( netaddrs[0].addr, netaddrs[0].pfx ); for ( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) { if ( broadcast(netaddrs[i].addr, netaddrs[i].pfx) <= hi ) { continue; } if ( netaddrs[i].addr == hi + 1 ) { hi = broadcast( netaddrs[i].addr, netaddrs[i].pfx ); continue; } if ( Jflg ) split_range(0, 0, lo, hi); else print_addr_range( lo, hi ); lo = netaddrs[i].addr; hi = broadcast( netaddrs[i].addr, netaddrs[i].pfx ); } if ( Jflg ) split_range(0, 0, lo, hi); else print_addr_range( lo, hi ); } /* netaddr_to_range() */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main( int argc, char **argv ) { in_addr_t lo, hi; network_addr_t netaddr; if ( (PROG = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) ) PROG++; else PROG = argv[0]; /* -j or -J, with optional input file name */ if ( (argc == 2 || argc == 3) && ((Jflg = (strcmp(argv[1], "-J") == 0)) || (strcmp(argv[1], "-j") == 0)) ) { netaddr_to_range( argv[2] ); return( 0 ); } /* -s lo hi */ if ( (argc == 4) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) ) { netaddr = str_to_netaddr( argv[2] ); lo = network( netaddr.addr, netaddr.pfx ); netaddr = str_to_netaddr( argv[3] ); hi = broadcast( netaddr.addr, netaddr.pfx ); split_range( 0, 0, lo, hi ); return( 0 ); } printf( "\n Usage: %s -j | -J | -s \n\n" " Where: \"-j\", \"-J\" and \"-s\" are mutually exclusive.\n\n" " -j [file]\n" " Join the network addresses given as A.B.C.D[/M] in \"file\"\n" " and print out ranges to stdout. Unless \"file\" is given,\n" " file=stdin will be used.\n" "\n" " -J [file]\n" " Same as \"-j\", except that joined results are printed as\n" " the minimum required number of CIDR network address blocks.\n" "\n" " -s \n" " Split the range from \"start-addr\" to \"end-addr\" into\n" " the minimum number of CIDR network address blocks required\n" " to cover it. \"start-addr\" and \"end-addr\" may be of the\n" " form A.B.C.D[/M].\n" "\n" " \"A.B.C.D\" is an IPv4 network address ( 0 <= A/B/C/D <= 255 ).\n" " \"M\" is the CIDR representation of a netmask value ( 1 <= M <= 32 ).\n" "\n" , PROG); return( 1 ); }