CS-314, Spring 2016
Assignment 1. Team Development using Eclipse and Git

Connecting your GitHub repository to a local Eclipse project. Team development required processes.

This is an assignment with both team and individual portions.

Check the A1 discussion on the Discussion board regularly.

(Expect Updates.)

DUE Wednesday 3 February 2016, 11:55 PM

CREDIT: 60 assignment points possible.




Your job is to create a local Eclipse project that is connected to your CS 314 GitHub team repository (each team member will have their own local Eclipse project), fix some problems with the original code while working on your own branch (again, each team member will have their own branch), finally merging all changes into the master branch. NO development may occur directly on the master branch. Prior to merging onto the master branch, you must use the GitHub collaboration tools to review proposed changes with all team members.


1. Divide the work:

Discuss with your team how to divide the changes that need to be made to the original code. There are 2 things the three of you need to do. First, there are a few warnings that need to be fixed. Second, since there are minimal comments in the code, additional comments need to be added where needed. Third, there are some project-specific comments that need to be in each source file, and these don't exist in every source file. One recommendation for doing this work is to split it up by type - 1 person to fix the warnings and the other 2 people to work on adding the 2 sets of comments. Another recommendation is to split up the files - each person works on a set of the files, fixing warnings and adding both kinds of comments to their set of files. You need to split up the work so that everyone does about the same amount of work, without interferring with the work others are doing.

2. Work through the tutorials in the file: GitEclipseTutorial.pdf.

This document describes how we will be using Git and Eclipse in CS 314, and contains 5 tutorials that each person on the team must work through. You will make the code changes as part of the third tutorial, Branching. You will merge your changes into the master as part of the fifth tutorial Merging Part 2: Request reviews of your changes with the Pull Request Code Review System. As part of this tutorial you will be using the GitHub code review system. After all members of your team have completed all 5 tutorials, you should have a working version of the code that has no warnings and has better comments than the original, on your master branch.

3. Make sure the plain text file in the src directory called overview.txt has been modified by each person so that it contains:

4. Create a single jar file of the code on the master branch that includes sources and the overview.txt file. Part of your grade for A1 is that your program compiles and runs on the Computer Science Department's Linux systems, so test your program appropriately. Your program will be tested in Eclipse.

5. Submit your jar file to the Canvas dropbox for Assignment 1 (A1) to check-in your assignment.

Grading: (for details see A1rubric.txt)

1. You will receive a team grade based on the Canvas submission.

2. You will receive an individual grade based on GitHub logs of your repository submissions and review system comments. Each team member is expected to have created and used branches for their own work, with frequent pushes from their local systems to GitHub, and review requests when they are ready to merge to the master. Each team member is expected to review code changes proposed by their teammates and provide comments.

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