CS-314, Spring 2016
Design Studio 7. Safety - Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pre-class work and Pre-Quiz, In-class work, and Post-class work for DS7.

The design studio pre-class work is individual. The design studio pre-Quiz is an individual quiz.

Pre-Quiz DUE Thursday 14 April 2016, 11:55 PM

CREDIT: Pre-Quiz: 10 points, Design Studio: 10 points

Design Studio User Story: As a student in CS 314, I want to understand the role of software engineering principles in safety so that I can design and build software that satisfies safety requirements.
Acceptance Criteria (AC):
  1. Students understand how to analyze a safety incident report in order to identify specific things that caused the problem.
  2. Students understand what software engineering principles were involved in causing the problem.
  3. Students can propose how software engineering principles should have been applied, and changes that would have avoided the problem.

Pre-work and Pre-Quiz User Stories:

As a student in CS 314, I want to:

In-class activity User Stories:

As a student in CS 314, I want to:

Post-class work User Stories:

Design Studio Pre-Class work - Do This Before Class, Quiz due Tuesday night 11:55 pm



The pre-work consists of studying the Therac-25 incident reports. The full report is contained in Medical Devices: The Therac-25 by Nancy Leveson and is available in this PDF. The most relevant portions of the report for this design studio are the descriptions of the Tyler and Yakima accidents on pages 25-28 and 35-38. In addition, Dr. Bieman prepared some slides that give some background about the overall hardware and software system. These can be found in DS7SafetyTherac25Slides.pdf.


1. Complete the pre-class reading:

2. Complete the pre-class preparation:

3. Take the Safety Quiz, available in Canvas.


1. You will receive an individual quiz grade for the pre-quiz.

Design Studio In-Class Activity - Work in your Team



You must answer the questions shown above in the pre-class preparation description. Follow the instructions for Task 1 in DS7-InClass.pdf.

What you need to do:

1. With your team, work through Task 1, and record you work on the Results Sheet to turn in at the end of class.

2. Turn in your Results Sheet at the end of class.


The team portion of your DS7 grade (5 points) will be based on your result sheet.

Design Studio Post-Class work - Do This After Class


Post-class retrospective writing DUE Thursday 5 May 2016, 11:55 PM


You need to write a self-learning assessment for the in-class activity. Follow the instructions for Task 2 in DS7-InClass.pdf.

What you need to do:

1. Write your assessment and submit it via Canvas. Make sure your name is included in your file or it will not be graded and you will receive a 0. If your submission is not a pdf file or a cut/paste into the Canvas text box, or if it is longer than 1 page it will not be graded and you will receive a 0.


The individual portion of your DS7 grade (5 points) will be based on how thoughtfully you have addressed the problem in Task 2, and also on how well you have constructed your writing (paragraphs and arguments).

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