
This course presents a bottom-up introduction to computer architecture, beginning with digital gates and number representation; building up through the Von Neumann model, Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and assembly language; and ending with C programs interacting with assembly programs. Most of the concepts in this course will be reinforced through programming assignments in C. In CS 270 students write a number of C programs to learn concepts by programming them and to build confidence in the C programming language, which is an important language used frequently in industry and systems research. There will be at least one deliverable a week.


Chris Wilcox
Office: COMSC 256
Office Hours: Thu. 11:00am-noon, Fri. 11:00am-noon
Lecture: 9:30-10:45am, TH, GLOVER 130
Awad Younis
Fereydoon Vafaei

May 16 (Chris) I will be available via email off and on throughout the summer.

May 16 (Chris) Letter grades are posted on RamCT and to the registrar.

May 14 (Chris) Final exam is graded and posted on RamCT, score is out of 110 points.

May 11 (Chris) Finished testing PA9 and posted on Checkin tab and RamCT, but last 20 points are not completed yet.

May 9 (Chris) Posted the solution to the final exam review sheet from R15 on the Programs tab.

May 9 (Chris) Posted the answers to all Peer Instruction quizzes on the Programs tab.

May 8 (Chris) Restarted the automated server at 11:35pm to resolve a performance issues.

May 6 (Chris) PA8 is posted on the Checkin tab and in RamCT, however the comments are missing.

May 6 (Younis) Recitations through R14 are graded and posted on RamCT.

May 3 (Younis) HW4 is graded and posted on RamCT.

May 3 (Chris) Progress tab is now updated through finals week.

May 3 (Chris) RamCT is now dropping the lowest assignment, recitation, and iClicker quiz.

May 3 (Chris) All iClicker quiz grades are posted for the semester.

May 3 (Chris) Help session for PA9 on May 5 from 6-8pm in COMSC 225, come with your code as complete as possible.

May 3 (Chris) Automated testing for PA9 is up and running, please report any problems.

Apr. 30 (Fritz) If you execute ~cs270/lc3tools/lc3as -hex <.ASM file> you will get a .hex file just like your lc3assemble should produce. You may then compare it to what your program actually produces to see if your code is correct.

Apr. 28 (Chris) PA7 is finally graded and posted on RamCT.

Apr. 28 (Younis) Recitations through R13 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Apr. 27 (Chris) All peer instructions scores are posted and slides are available on Progress tab.

Apr. 27 (Chris) Help session tonight 6-8pm in COMSC 225 to help students with PA7 makeup.

Apr. 25 (Chris) I will accept late PA8 submissions until 11:59pm with 20% penalty.

Apr. 23 (Chris) Please see Piazza for decision about posting PA7 solution.

Apr. 22 (Chris) PA9 is posted, preliminary testing will start next week.

Apr. 22 (Chris) Please note change to HW4 due date, homework should be brought to class May 1.

Apr. 21 (Younis) Recitations through R12 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Apr. 18 (Chris) Help session for PA8 on Apr. 20 from 6-8:00pm in COMSC 225.

Apr. 17 (Chris) Week 13 schedule is posted, with upcoming homework and slides, but recitation is not ready yet.

Apr. 17 (Chris) PA7 grading will not be complete for a few more days.

Apr. 15 (Chris) PA7 is posted on the Checkin tab, grade is out of 65 points.

Apr. 14 (Younis) Recitations through R11 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Apr. 9 (Chris) HW3 is posted, we will discuss it tomorrow during lecture.

Apr. 7 (Chris) Progress page is updated for this week, minus the next homework.

Apr. 7 (Younis) Recitations through R10 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Apr. 5 (Chris) PA7 is now due Apr. 7, 11:59pm, see Piazza for details.

Apr. 4 (Chris) The instructions.asm test file has been modified.

Apr. 4 (Chris) Checkin tab is available for PA7, but no preliminary testing!

Apr. 2 (Chris) There will be a help session for PA7 in COMSC 225 Apr. 3 from 5-7:30pm.

Apr. 1 (Chris) PA7 has been updated to include test information and files.

Mar. 31 (Younis) Recitations through R9 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Mar. 29 (Chris) PA6 graded and posted, took the higher score between ontime and late.

Mar. 28 (Chris) PA6 automated testing restarted at 6:50pm.

Mar. 26 (Chris) Help session tonight from 6-8pm in COMSC 225.

Mar. 24 (Younis) Recitations through R8 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Mar. 16 (Chris) Week 9 schedule is posted as requested, but homework and recitation are not ready yet.

Mar. 16 (Chris) PA5 is graded and posted, no late penalties were given, 61 students got 100!

Mar. 15 (Chris) Automated testing for PA6 is up and running, please report any problems.

Mar. 14 (Chris) Help session (only for this class) on Sunday, Mar. 23 from 5-8pm in COMSC 225.

Mar. 14 (Chris) Enjoy your Spring Break! I will be monitoring email occasionally throughout the next week.

Mar. 14 (Chris) Bad news: no automated testing for PA6 expected until tomorrow morning, Mar. 15.

Mar. 14 (Chris) Good news: the midterm is graded and posted, results were very good.

Mar. 13 (Chris) PA5 due date has not changed but I will allow late submissions until Mar. 15 at 11:59pm.

Mar. 11 (Chris) Peer instruction solutions are posted on the Programs tab.

Mar. 10 (Chris) iClicker6 is graded and posted.

Mar. 10 (Younis) Recitations through R7 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Mar. 7 (Chris) Will discuss PA5 and PA6, including left and right shift, in next lecture.

Mar. 7 (Chris) Just finished right shift in LC-3 assembly: 21 lines of code.

Mar. 7 (Younis) PA4 grades are posted on RamCT.

Mar. 5 (Chris) Please wait until your PA4 grade is posted on RamCT before sending a grade inquiry.

Mar. 3 (Chris) iClicker5 is graded and posted.

Mar. 3 (Chris) PA4 posted on Checkin tab, 75 points possible, final grading is not complete yet.

Mar. 3 (Younis) Recitations through R6 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Feb. 28 (Chris) Preliminary testing for PA5 will not start until Tuesday, Mar. 4.

Feb. 28 (Chris) The progress tab has been updated for next week, including R7 and PA5.

Feb. 25 (Chris) HW2 is graded and posted on RamCT.

Feb. 23 (Chris) PA4 assignment is posted, no automated testing provided this time!

Feb. 23 (Chris) Peer instruction quizzes through iClicker4 are graded and posted.

Feb. 22 (Younis) Recitations through R5 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Feb. 20 (Chris) R7 is posted for next week, PA4 is on the way.

Feb. 17 (Chris) PA3 is graded and posted, both to RamCT and the Checkin page.

Feb. 17 (Younis) Recitations through R4 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Feb. 17 (Chris) Minor change to HW2, there is no need to submit the truth table on Question 4.

Feb. 16 (Chris) The test server for PA3 is back up until 11:59pm tonight.

Feb. 14 (Chris) I plan to work on resolving student emails and regrade requests over the weekend.

Feb. 14 (Chris) I will be available during the Sunday, Feb. 16 lab hours, 5-7pm.

Feb. 14 (Chris) PA3 due date has been extended to Sunday, Feb. 16 at 11:59pm.

Feb. 10 (Chris) PA2 is graded and posted, both to RamCT and the Checkin page.

Feb. 10 (Chris) Automated testing for PA3 is enabled, see the note below.

Feb. 10 (Chris) PA3 assignment has changed so that you only have to submit flt32.c, not a .tar file!

Feb. 9 (Chris) All student requests and emails have been answered, except for a few PA1 regrade requests.

Feb. 9 (Chris) PA3 assignment is posted, automated testing will start tomorrow.

Feb. 9 (Chris) The progress has been updated for next week.

Feb. 5 (Chris) Bring your iClicker and pencil and paper tomorrow!

Feb. 4 (Chris) PA2 assignment is posted, and automated testing is enabled.

Jan. 31 (Chris) R2 recitation answer key is posted on the progress tab.

Jan. 31 (Chris) New lab hours for teaching assistants have been posted.

Jan. 30 (Chris) New office hours Fridays from 11am-noon have been posted.

Jan. 29 (Chris) Please bring your iClicker tomorrow, we will have an iClicker quiz.

Jan. 29 (Chris) See Piazza for important info on HW1, unlimited submissions are now allowed!

Jan. 29 (Chris) HW1 is due Feb. 1 at 11:59pm, the progress tab now shows this date.

Jan. 27 (Chris) PA1 is graded and posted, both to RamCT and the Checkin page.

Jan. 24 (Chris) Automated testing has been restarted after system reboots, around 10:45pm.

Jan. 24 (Chris) The first theory homework is posted on the progress page, due Jan. 31.

Jan. 19 (Chris) Initial version of website, You can believe most of what you read.

Jan. 2 (Chris) This website is under construction, don't believe anything you read!