Colorado State University Logo | CS 163/4: Java Programming (CS 1) Colorado State University Logo | CS 163/4: Java Programming (CS 1)
CS 163/4: Java Programming (CS 1)
Computer Science




We are using an online interactive book from zyBooks to as the main programming text. Instructions for registering with zyBooks are as follows:

  1. Click on your zyBooks link in your learning management system (Do not go to the zyBooks website and create a new account)
  2. Subscribe. The bookstore should have provided a code for you that was charged to your student account.

Please register in time to complete the first assignment. It can be found in Canvas.

iClicker Cloud (On-Campus Sections Only)

We make use of iClicker cloud for on-campus attendance and participation grades. It is provided to students at no additional charge, you can learn more about iClicker Cloud on the campus resource page.


We use GitHub for labs and inclass code. While you do not have to install git on your local computer, it will be very helpful for students to have it installed for class sessions, and to help with the provided lab code.

The class repository with labs is Colorado State University - Computer Science 1 (CS 163 / CS 164). If you sort the repository by name, you will see all the labs in order with the handouts repository above them. The handouts repository will be used for class, and you can keep that repository updated on your computer by using the following command

> git clone

and then each class session start the class with a new pull

> git pull main

Installing Git

People who have Mac OS and most linux envrionments will find git has already been installed. For windows, you will have to install git. The Install Git guide from is pretty comprehensive. Please follow that guide.

Microsoft Teams

We use Microsoft teams extensively in this course for virtual help desks, quick questions, live streams, and even office hours. You can more about student access to teams by going to the ACNS Teams Page.

While not required, we recommend downloading the application, as it runs smoother. To download MS Teams, you click the account icon (top right) after logging into MS Teams, and it gives you the option to download teams both for desktop and mobile.

Java Development Kit

Download and install the Java Development Kit (JDK) first from here. The current version of Java on department systems is 1.8 (Version 8). You will need to create an account with Oracle in order to download the JDK. You can also download OpenJDK.

It is fine if you download a later version of JDK. Just make sure you are not using any features that were introduced after 1.8, and many IDEs you can setup which version for them to look at.

You will want an IDE

Integrated Development Environments help with developing code on your computers. They provide useful tools such as syntax highlighting and debugging. There are two majors ones you will see used at CSU, and information for each is below.

IntelliJ IDEA

A standard installation of IntelliJ is available on all CS Department Linux computers for use by CS163/4 students. As a default, it will be assumed that students use this version on CS Department Machines.

IntelliJ can also be downloaded for free and installed on your personal computer. It is assumed that many students will find it possible to install and use IntelliJ on their own computers, and the instructor and TAs will try to help informally. However, successful installation and use of tools such as IntelliJ on your own machine demands some understanding of how to install and use new software on that platform, and ultimately it falls to the individual student to either succeed at such an effort or to use the resources already provided by the CS Department. The help that can be offered by the instructor and TAs is by necessity limited.

If you decide to run IntelliJ on your system, follow these steps:

  • Go here to apply for the free version of IntelliJ for students.
  • The java development environment is IntelliJ IDEA. The recommended install from JetBrains is downloading the JetBrains Toolbox and selecting IntelliJ once it is installed. That will keep it updated on your computer and easy to manage other IDEAs from them.

VS Code

Visual Studio Code has grown in popularity over the years, and it is known as a “light weight” editor with the ability for others to write extensions for that IDE. If you choose to download VS Code you will also want the java development extensions downloaded with it. VS Code has become a popular choice for many students, and due to its docker integration it is being exclusively used in CS 314.

To download VS code, follow these steps

  • VS Code should have a download based on your operating system.
  • Extension Pack for Java - you will want the extension pack for java. Often VS Code will prompt you to install this pack right after installing, but if it doesn’t, click on the above link and it will prompt you to install it in VS Code.

Final Note

Your IDE preference is simply that, a preference! While we highly recommend good IDE, it is up to you, and it is also up to you if you struggle with the IDE. We can’t manage every system.


The Computer Science Department maintains some useful general help information for students new to using Linux, and about using Putty or SSH to connect to department Linux systems from Windows computers:

CSU Computer Science information is found here.

A useful Linux command reference card is found here.


Online Java Practice

If you wish to have some online practice examples we recommend

You can also learn about the Java API by reading the Java Doc

University Resources

Canvas Information and Technical Support

Canvas is the where course content, grades, and communication will reside for this course.

The Technical Requirements page identifies the browsers, operating systems, and plugins that work best with Canvas. If you are new to Canvas quickly review the Canvas Student Orientation materials.

Additional Study Resources & Tutoring

TILT offers a range of resources including Liven Up Your Learning and Workshops. These are meant as opportunities to help you become a better student, improving your academic performance overall.

Additionally, there are a number of tutoring resources on campus. Learn more by visiting: TILT tutoring

Counseling Services

We encourage students to make use of the University Counseling Services. Just as one takes care of your physical health, you should also take care of your mental health using all tools and means at your disposal. Your student fees provide access to a wide range of mental health support resources at no additional cost. Visit Counseling Services on the 3rd floor of the Health & Medical Center, and they’ll work together with you to find the resources that are best for you.

Computer Science Department

279 Computer Science Building
1100 Centre Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone: (970) 491-5792
Fax: (970) 491-2466

CS 163/4: Java Programming (CS 1)

Computer Programming in Java: Topics include variables, assignment, expressions, operators, booleans, conditionals, characters and strings, control loops, arrays, objects and classes, file input/output, interfaces, recursion, inheritance, and sorting.