CS253: Software Development with C++

Spring 2021


Show Lecture.Inlining as a slide show.

CS253 Inlining

Split Interface and Implementation

The Problem

Simple Class


class Numbers {
    static int two(), three();


#include "Numbers.h"
int Numbers::two() {
    return 2;
int Numbers::three() {
    return 3;


#include "Numbers.h"
int main() {
    return Numbers::two() + Numbers::three();

Compile with no optimization

% cp ~cs253/Example/Inline/* .
% g++ -Wall -c main.cc
% g++ -Wall -c Numbers.cc
% g++ -Wall main.o Numbers.o
% objdump --no-show-raw-insn --demangle --disassemble | sed '/<main>/,/^$/!d'
0000000000400556 <main>:
  400556:	push   %rbp
  400557:	mov    %rsp,%rbp
  40055a:	push   %rbx
  40055b:	sub    $0x8,%rsp
  40055f:	callq  400574 <Numbers::two()>
  400564:	mov    %eax,%ebx
  400566:	callq  400580 <Numbers::three()>
  40056b:	add    %ebx,%eax
  40056d:	add    $0x8,%rsp
  400571:	pop    %rbx
  400572:	pop    %rbp
  400573:	retq   


There are several optimization arguments to g++:

Compile with -O3 optimization

% cp ~cs253/Example/Inline/* .
% g++ -Wall -O3 -c main.cc
% g++ -Wall -O3 -c Numbers.cc
% g++ -Wall -O3 main.o Numbers.o
% objdump --no-show-raw-insn --demangle --disassemble | sed '/<main>/,/^$/!d'
0000000000400470 <main>:
  400470:	push   %rbx
  400471:	callq  400580 <Numbers::two()>
  400476:	mov    %eax,%ebx
  400478:	callq  400590 <Numbers::three()>
  40047d:	add    %ebx,%eax
  40047f:	pop    %rbx
  400480:	retq   

Link-Time Optimization

This tells the linker to perform optimization between the individual *.o object files.

Link-time optimization

% cp ~cs253/Example/Inline/* .
% g++ -Wall -O3 -flto -c main.cc
% g++ -Wall -O3 -flto -c Numbers.cc
% g++ -Wall -O3 -flto main.o Numbers.o
% objdump --no-show-raw-insn --demangle --disassemble | sed '/<main>/,/^$/!d'
0000000000400470 <main>:
  400470:	mov    $0x5,%eax
  400475:	retq   

Holy smokes! 😲 The code from Numbers.cc, which was in a completely separate file, got integrated into main()!
