Bruce A. Draper
Office: 442 CS Building
Office Hours: Just Find Me
Lecture Time and Place:
10:00 - 10:50, MWF, CSB Room 325

Early computers were text-based. Data was entered as text, programs were run from the command line, etc. Then computer systems began to use images -- but only for output. Computer graphics was invented, and the compute gaming industry was born. We began to have special-purpose graphics computers, and traditional computers were outfitted with window-based operating systems. Now we are entering the next phase: images and video streams as input. Every computer and cell-phone has a digital camera, but how do we take advantage of all this raw visual data? This course tries to begin answering this question...

Check the resources page for YouTube OpenCV tutorials

Sphere part of course logo created by Charumathi Chandrasekaran.