Grading Policy

All students registered for the course ARE REQUIRED to attend and actively participate in every lecture. The final grade for this course will be computed as follows: Class attendance and participation (10%) 1 midterm examination (20%), 1 final examination (20%), two hands on security projects (20%), and a term paper / project (30%).

Class attendance & Participation
Midterm Examination
Final Examination
Home Work Assignments
Term Paper / Project

The final letter grades for the course are based on your final class average. Grades will be assigned according to the table below. Note that while I will not be cutting higher for these grade ranges, I reserve the right to cut lower. (In other words, while I will not make an A to be 94 - 98 for example, I can make it 88 - 94.)

96 and up
82 to 88
60 to 70
92 to 96
80 to 82
below 60
90 to 92
78 to 80

88 to 90
70 to 78

Programming Projects

There will be 2 home work assignments. These assignments will require programming. The programs need to run on the department's Linux workstations. You can use your own machine; however, in such cases, you have to ensure that the programs execute correctly on the CS department machines. More instructions are provided in the project handouts.

No late assignments will be accepted. If you have not completed the project by the due date, be sure to submit whatever results you have for partial credit. If you submit nothing by the due date, you will receive no credit for the assignments.


There will be a midterm exam and a final exam.

Midterm Exam: It will be a take home exam. It will be distributed on March 15 (Tuesday) and due on CANVAS on March 20 (Sunday).

Comprehensive Final Exam: It will be a take home exam distributed on May 3 (Tuesday) and due on May 10 (Tuesday).

No make-up exams will be given. It is unfair to the rest of the class if some students take the  midterm, or final exams at a different time, take substitute exams, or take an exam more than once. Plan to take the exam on time or expect to receive a zero on the exam.

Other Policies

Regular class attendance is required

Policies on cheating, plagiarism, incomplete grades, attendance, discrimination, sexual harassment, and student grievances are described in the Student Information Guide ( http://www.CS.ColoState.EDU/advising/student-info.html). All other matters follow the policies set in the current Colorado State University General Catalog. Students are responsible for all the information in these documents.

Copyright © 2022: Colorado State University for CS556. All rights reserved.