Darrell Whitley Homepage

State University
Office: Computer
Science Building 270
Phone: 970-491-5373
Prof. Whitley is a faculty member (and former Chair, 2003-2018) of the Department of Computer Science
at Colorado State University. From 1993 to 1997 Prof. Whitley
served as Chair of the Governing Board of the International Society
for Genetic Algorithms. From 1997 to
2002 Prof. Whitley served as Editor-in-Chief for the journal Evolutionary
Computation published by MIT Press. From 2007 to 2011 Prof. Whitley was
Chair of the ACM SIG on Evolutionary Computation (SIGEVO), and a member of the ACM SIG Governing Board.
Dr. Whitley has an active research program in Evolutionary Computation, Search and Combinatorial Optimization and Machine Learning. His Google H-index is 62 and his papers have garnered more than 22,900 citations.