Colorado State University

Recitation R13 - Rules of Inference
Spring 2014

CS160: Foundations in Programming

The purpose of this lab is to:

Math Homework

Students will present the answers to each of the three logic proofs from Math Homework 1, linked here. Show your paper homework to the TA at the beginning of class to get credit for the assignment. Incomplete homeworks will only receive partial credit.

Create a text file called R13.txt and solve the following logic proofs:

Use the Rules of Inference and state the specific rule used for each step.
  1. Given: Prove: q

  2. Given: Prove: (q ∧ p)

  3. Given: Prove: C

  4. Given: Prove: ¬D

The answers will be discussed at the end of class.
Show your work to the TA and turn in R13.txt to RamCT for credit on this recitation.

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