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Algorithms and Data Structures 2012

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Grading Policy

Weighting of Points

Category Points Percentage of Final Grade
Programming Assignments (PA0: 5pt, PA1 ~ PA5: 50 pts each) 5+(50x5) 26%
Written Assignments 30 x 5 15%
Quizzes Total 100 10%
Recitations (Attending & completing exercises) 50 5%
Midterm exams 120 x 2 12% each
Final exam 200 20%
Total 1000 100%

Letter Grade Point Range

Letter Grade Point Range
A 90.0 ~ 100.0 %
B 80.0 ~ 89.9 %
C 70.0 ~ 79.9 %
60.0 ~ 69.9 %
E Below 60.0 %

The GTA grades everything. If you don’t like your score, talk with him first, then to your instructor if you still disagree.

We will try our best to return assignments within 5 working days after the end of the late period. Exams will be returned within 5 working days of when they are taken. Grades will be posted on RamCT. Written assignments and exams will be returned in lecture. Programming assignment feedback will be available in the designated files on the LINUX file system.

Programs will be executed on the Linux machines in the open lab. Make sure your code runs successfully on those machines. Your grade will include points for correctly executing multiple test cases, using assigned data structures, employing good OO style and commenting appropriately.

Calculation of final grade is total of points for all of the categories divided by 10.

Please read the departmental policy statement regarding incompletes, academic integrity, and class attendance. This policy statement can be read here: student information. We will follow the guidelines outlined in this document except that students working in class under our supervision may, with permission, provide more assistance to each other than these guidelines permit.