Foundations of Computer Systems

[Schedule] [Assignments] [Infospaces] [Grading] [Syllabus]




All assignments are due at 8:00 PM on the due date. There is a late penalty of 7.5% per-day for up to a maximum of 2 days. All assignments will be posted at least 2 weeks prior to its due date. We will have a mix of both written and programming assignments. All assignments will be posted on this page. All assignments should be submitted using Canvas.

Released Due Date: Multiple deliverables in case of HW3
  HW1 23-Jan 14-Feb
  HW2 13-Feb 6-Mar
  HW3 6-Mar 27-Mar 3-Apr 10-Apr
  HW4 6-Apr 1-May
  Extra Credit 6-Apr 24-Apr

Assignment 1: Working with numbering systems, bitwise operations, and common binary operations

Working with numbering systems, bitwise operations, and common binary operations
The objective of this assignment is to get you comfortable with numbering systems, bitwise operations, and common binary operations. Additional details available here.

Release date: 23-Jan
Due Date:14-Feb

Assignment 2: Profiling the impact of Caching, Memory accesses, and Choice of Data Structures

The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate the effects of caching, pre-fetching, the memory hierarchy, and how different data structures affect accessing memory. The programming assignment should be implemented in Java. You are required to work alone on this assignment. The assignment accounts for 7.5% towards your cumulative course grade. Additional details are available here.

Released: 13-Feb 
Due Date: 6-March

Assignment 3: Networking Assignment -- experimentation with TCP/IP and Sockets

The objective of this assignment is to get you to be comfortable coding in a networked setting where you need to manage the underlying communications between nodes. All communications will be based on TCP and you will be using the sockets to implement this assignment. The programming assignment should be implemented in Java. You are required to work alone on this assignment. The assignment accounts for 7.5% towards your cumulative course grade. Additional details are available here.

Released: 6-Mar 
Deliverable-1 Due: 27-Mar 
Deliverable-2 Due: 3-Apr 
Deliverable-3 Due: 10-Apr

Helpful Infospaces Videos:


Assignment 4: Storage Systems Assignment -- implementing BSTs and B-Trees

The objective of this assignment is to reinforce concepts we learned about BSTs and B Trees. The programming assignment should be implemented in Java. You are required to work alone on this assignment. The assignment accounts for 7.5% towards your cumulative course grade. Additional details are available here.

Released: 6-Apr
Due: 1-May

Extra-Credit Assignment : Working with Packages

The objective of this assignment is to get you comfortable with packages and their related file structures. The programming assignment should be implemented in Java. You are required to work alone on this assignment. This assignment will contribute a maximum of 3% of extra credit towards your final grade. There is no late-submission window for this assignment. Additional details available here.

Released: 6-Apr
Due: 24-Apr



Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University,
Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA
© 2024 Colorado State University